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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "S" - 242 authors

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1 Sabbah, Archbishop Michel
2 Sacred Congregation for Bishops
3 Sacred Congregation of Divine Worship
4 Sacred Congregation of Rites
5 Sacred Congregation of the Council
6 Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office
7 Saffern, Robert
8 Saint-Paul, Brian
9 Sako, Patriarch Louis Raphael
10 Sala, Fr. Giovanni B. (S.J.)
11 Sales, St. Francis de
12 Salingaros, Nikos A.
13 Saltarelli, Bishop Michael
14 Salvini, GianPaolo (S.J.)
15 Samaha, Brother John M. (S.M.)
16 Sammons, Eric
17 Sample, Archbishop Alexander K.
18 Sampson, Francis
19 Samuel, Ana
20 Sandoz, Yves
21 Sandri, Cardinal Leonardo
22 Santogrossi, Ansgar
23 Santoro, Fr. Andrea
24 Santorum, Rick
25 Sarah, Cardinal Robert
26 Sattler, Henry V. (C.SS.R.)
27 Sattler, Columban
28 Saunders, Fr. William
29 Sauppe, Fr. Timothy (S.T.L.)
30 Savarino, Angelico
31 Savino, Cardinal Jorge Urosa
32 Saward, Fr. John
33 Sayah, Archbishop Paul Nabil
34 Scalia, Justice Antonin
35 Scalia, Paul
36 Scanlon, Rev. Regis (O.F.M. Cap.)
37 Scaperlanda , María Ruiz
38 Scarabelli, Giovanni
39 Scaraffia, Lucetta
40 Scarborough, Dominic
41 Schade, Joseph I.
42 Schaefer, Rev. Francis J.
43 Schall, Fr. James V. (S.J.)
44 Schambeck, Prof. Herbert
45 Scharfenberger, Bishop Edward B.
46 Scheffczyk, Cardinal Leo
47 Scheske, Eric J.
48 Schick , Archbishop Ludwig
49 Schilling, Chelsea
50 Schiltz, Elizabeth
51 Schindler, David
52 Schippers, David P.
53 Schlafly, Eleanor
54 Schmalz, Valerie
55 Schmid, R.M.T.
56 Schmidt, John
57 Schmiesing, Kevin E. (Ph.D.)
58 Schmitt, Bishop Bernard W.
59 Schnakenberg, John
60 Schneider, Mary R.
61 Schneider, Bishop Athanasius (ORC)
62 Schneiders , Alexander A. (Ph.D.)
63 Schnurr, Archbishop Dennis M.
64 Schoeman, Roy
65 Schoen, Elenor K.
66 Schoen, Elenor K.
67 Schonborn, Cardinal Christoph (O.P.)
68 Schooyans, Michel
69 Schortemeyer, Sr. Maria-Walburga (O.S.B.)
70 Schotl, L. C.
71 Schrauzer, Michael
72 Schreck, Alan
73 Schuler, Mons. Richard J.
74 Schwartz, Steven
75 Schwarz, Stephen D.
76 Schwehm, Jeffrey
77 Schwendenwein, Prof. Hugo
78 Sciascia, Giuseppina
79 Scicluna, Msgr Charles
80 Scola, Cardinal Angelo
81 Scola, Cardinal Angelo
82 Searle, George M. (C.S.P.)
83 Sears, Jane L.
84 Secondo, Louis J. (T.O.R.)
85 Secretariat of State
86 Seeley, Monica
87 Seewald, Peter
88 Seghers, James M.
89 Seifert , Josef
90 Selmys, Melinda
91 Semper, Right Rev. I. J. (S.T.B.)
92 Senander, Mary
93 Sensi, Mario
94 Sepe, Cardinal Crescenzio
95 Seper, Cardinal Francis
96 Serna, Father J. Patrick
97 Serpa, Fr. Vincent (O.P.)
98 Serratelli, Bishop Arthur J. (S.T.D., S.S.L., D.D)
99 Several Bishops
100 Sgaramella, Roberto
101 Sgreccia, Bishop Elio
102 Sgreccia, Bishop Elio
103 Shaidle, Kathy
104 Shamoo, Adil E. (Ph.D.)
105 Shan Kuo-hsi, Cardinal Paul (S.J.)
106 Shanley, Fr. OP Brian
107 Shanley, Fr. Brian (OP)
108 Shanley, OP, Fr. Brian
109 Shannon, Christopher
110 Sharkey, Stephen
111 Shaughnessy, Susan
112 Shaughnessy, Rev. Paul
113 Shaw, Russell
114 Shea, Mark P.
115 Shea, John B. (M.D., FRCP)
116 Sheed, Frank J.
117 Sheehan, Archbishop Michael J.
118 Sheen, Archbishop Fulton J.
119 Sheerin, John B. (C.S.P.)
120 Shekan, Msgr. Patrick W. (S.T.D.)
121 Shelton, Nikki Sylvester
122 Sheridan, Bishop Michael J.
123 Sherwood, Grace Hausmann
124 Shevchuk, Archbishop Sviatoslav
125 Shewmon, D. Alan (M.D.)
126 Shirayanagi, Cardinal Peter
127 Shivanandan, Mary (S.T.D.)
128 Shomali, Msgr. William
129 Shoup, Anne Marguerite
130 Sibley, Bryce Andrew
131 Sierra, Bishop Jose Luis Mumbiela
132 Sigmund, Paul E.
133 Signorelli, Mark Anthony
134 Sikma, Ben
135 Simón, Dr. José María
136 Simpson, Victor L.
137 Sin, Cardinal Jaime
138 Singh, Lea
139 Sinner, Samuel
140 Siqueira, A.J. (S.J., M.A.)
141 Sirba, Rev. Joseph A.
142 Sirico, Rev. Robert A.
143 Sisk, Gregory C.
144 Sisters of Saint Dominic, The
145 Sitzmann, Marian (O.S.B.)
146 Sivric, Ivo (O.F.M.)
147 Skeris, Fr. Robert
148 Skojec, Steve
149 Sladky, Joseph F. X.
150 Slatter, Fr. Mark
151 Slattery, Bishop Edward J.
152 Smith, Randall
153 Smith, Stephen Page
154 Smith, Fr. Robert D.
155 Smith, Janet
156 Smith, Rev. G. D. (D.D., Ph.D.)
157 Smith, Rev. Gregory (O. Carm.)
158 Smith, Wolfgang
159 Smith, Wesley J.
160 Smith, William B. (S.J.)
161 Smolenski , Fr. Stanley (SPMA)
162 Snead, O. Carter
163 Snell, Jessica
164 Soba, Professor Juan José Perez
165 Sobie, Amy
166 Sobrino, Oswald
167 Sockey, E. William (III)
168 Sodano, Cardinal Angelo
169 Sodi, Manlio (S.D.B.)
170 Solimeo, Luiz S.
171 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
172 Somerville, Margaret
173 Sondergren, Andrew
174 Sonnet, Jean-Pierre
175 Sonnier, David L.
176 Sorondo, Mons. Marcelo Sanchez
177 Soto, Bishop Jaime
178 Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference
179 Sower, Phyllis A.
180 Spadaro, Antonio ( S.J.)
181 Speach, Gabby M.
182 Spencer, Robert
183 Spengler
184 Spidlik, Thomas
185 SPL Contributor
186 Sproule, Sophia
187 Sri, Dr. Edward
188 St. Irenaeus of Lyons
189 St. Joseph Foundation
190 St. Patrick
191 Stafford, Geraldine
192 Stafford, John W. (C.S.V., Ph.D.)
193 Stafford, Cardinal J. Francis (D.D.)
194 Stanford, Derek
195 Stang, William
196 Stang, Fr. Joseph
197 Stankevics, Archbishop Zbignev
198 Stanley, Bob
199 Stanton, Dr. Joseph R.
200 Staples, Tim
201 Starrs, Joe
202 Staudt, Dr. R. Jared
203 Steele, Philip Earl
204 Steenson, Fr. Jeffrey
205 Steichen, Donna
206 Stein, St. Edith
207 Steinbock, Bishop John T.
208 Steinmeuller, John E. (D.D., S.Scr.L.)
209 Stenson, James
210 Stevens, Rev. Clifford
211 Stewart, Daniel
212 Stilinovic, Josip
213 Stimpson, Emily
214 Stith, Richard (J.D., Ph.D.)
215 Stith, Richard (J.D., Ph.D.)
216 Stokes, John S. (Jr.)
217 Stoll, Fr. Raymond (S.T.D.)
218 Storck, Thomas
219 Storck, Inez Fitzgerald
220 Strasser, Bernard
221 Stravinskas, Fr. Peter M.J.
222 Stricherz, Mark
223 Strickland, Bishop Joseph E.
224 Stritch, Archbishop Samuel A.
225 Stroik, Duncan G.
226 Suaudeau, Mons. Jacques
227 Sudan Catholic Bishops' Regional Conference
228 Suits, MD G. Steven
229 Sullivan, Bishop Joseph V.
230 Suprenant, Leon J. (Jr.)
231 Svik, Terry J.
232 Swain, Joseph P.
233 Swat, Dorota
234 Sweeney, Fr. Michael (OP)
235 Sweeney, Gladys
236 Swetland, Msgr. Stuart
237 Swickerath, Robert (S.J.)
238 Synod of Bishops
239 Synod of Bishops for Europe
240 Synod of Bishops for the Middle East
241 Szpytma, Mateusz
242 Szyszkiewicz, Thomas A.