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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "R" - 105 authors

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1 Rabel, Andrew
2 Radano, Mons. John A.
3 Rahner, Fr. Karl (S.J.)
4 Raible, Daniel C. (C.PP.S.)
5 Raimond, Prof. Francesco
6 Rallo, Mons. Vito
7 Ramirez, Bishop Ricardo
8 Ranalli, Paul (M.D.)
9 Ranjith, Archbishop Malcolm
10 Rarey, Matthew
11 Rath, Ralph
12 Ratner, Herbert (M.D.)
13 Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph
14 Rauscher, Anton
15 Ravasi, Archbishop Gianfranco
16 Ray, Steve
17 Raymond, Brother John
18 Re, Cardinal Giovanni Battista
19 Reardon, David C. (Ph.D.)
20 Rebard, Theodore
21 Rector, Robert
22 Redzioch, Wlodzimierz
23 Redzioch, Wlodzimierz
24 Reed, Lawrence W.
25 Reichardt, Rita
26 Reid, Dom Alcuin
27 Reid, James Patrick
28 Reid, Charles J. (Jr.)
29 Reilly, Patrick J.
30 Reilly, Robert R.
31 Reilly, Matthew V.
32 Reimers, Adrian J.
33 Reisman, Dr. Judith A.
34 Reisswitz, Crista Kramer von
35 Rengers, Christopher
36 Reno, R. R.
37 Repgen, Konrad
38 Repplier, Agnes
39 Reynolds, Virginia
40 Rhoades, Bishop Kevin
41 Ricardo, Archbishop Pio Bello
42 Ricciardi, Giovanni
43 Rice, Dr. Charles E.
44 Richard, Rev. Edward J.
45 Richey, Dr. Lance Byron
46 Ricken, Bishop David Laurin (D.D., J.C.L.)
47 Rickert, Dr. Kevin G.
48 Rievallensis, Aelredus
49 Riga, Peter J.
50 Rigali, Cardinal Justin F.
51 Riley, John
52 Riley, Very Rev. Msgr. Lawrence J. (S.T.D.)
53 Ripley, Francis J.
54 Ripperger, Chad (F.S.S.P.)
55 Risso, Paolo
56 Rivera, Cardinal Norberto
57 Rivera, Roberto
58 Roberge, Lawrence F.
59 Robert Fastiggi and Matthew Levering
60 Roberts, Judy
61 Robo, Etienne
62 Roccasalvo, Sister Joan L (C.S.J. )
63 Roche, Archbishop X Arthur
64 Roche, Joseph L.
65 Rockwell , Llewellyn H. (Jr.)
66 Rode, Cardinal Franc
67 Rodes, Prof. Robert E. (Jr.)
68 Rogers, Benedict
69 Roll, Rev. Bertin (O.F.M., CAP.)
70 Romanato, Gianpaolo
71 Romanato, Gianpaolo
72 Ronan, Edwin J. (C.P.)
73 Rondon, Maria Ximena
74 Rose, Michael S.
75 Rosica, Fr. Thomas
76 Rosmini, Antonio
77 Ross, Cindy
78 Rossi, Fr. Paolino
79 Rossi, Paolo
80 Rothwell, Marty
81 Rotondi, Richard
82 Roux, Albert G.
83 Roy, Fr. Neil J.
84 Roy , Schoeman
85 Royal, Robert
86 Ruark, Allison Herling
87 Rubin, Jeffrey
88 Rubinstein, William D.
89 Rue, Vincent M.
90 Ruini, Cardinal Camilo
91 Rum, Alberto
92 Rumble, M.S.C., S.T.D. Leslie
93 Ruppi, Archbishop Cosmo Francesco
94 Ruse, Austin
95 Rush, Alfred C. (C.SS.R.)
96 Russell, John (S. J.)
97 Russell, Deacon Jim
98 Rust, Paul R. (O.M.I.)
99 Rutler, George W.
100 Ryan, Peter F. (S.J.)
101 Ryan, Fr. Adam
102 Ryan, Kevin
103 Rychlak, Ronald J.
104 Ryland, Ray
105 Rylko, Archbishop Stanislaw