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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "P" - 143 authors

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1 Pacelli, Dr. Emilia Paola
2 Pacheco, John
3 Pacholczyk, Fr. Tadeusz (Ph.D.)
4 Pacwa, Fr. Mitch (S.J.)
5 Padilla, Bishop Wenceslao
6 Paffenroth, Kim
7 Pagano, Sergio
8 Paglia, Archbishop-Bishop Emeritus Vincenzo
9 Paine, Rev. Randall (O.R.C.)
10 Palm, David J.
11 Panikulam, Mons. George
12 Panzer, Ron
13 Paoletti, Brother John ( MIC)
14 Pape, Fr. Carlos (S.V.D.)
15 Papias Of Hieropolis
16 Paprocki, Bishop Thomas J.
17 Parappuram, Fr. Varghese
18 Parente, Pascal P.
19 Park, William
20 Park, Erven
21 Parolin, Cardinal Pietro
22 Parsch, Dr. Pius
23 Parsons, Wilfred (S.J.)
24 Participants at the Symposium on Jerusalem
25 Passantino, Filippo
26 Patrick, Alyssa Lyra
27 Patrick
28 Paul
29 Paul III
30 Paul VI
31 Paulsen, Michael Stokes
32 Pavlat, Eric
33 Pavone, Fr. Frank
34 Pearce, Joseph
35 Pearson, Fr. Paul
36 Pearson, Cathy
37 Peffley, Fr. Francis J.
38 Pell, Cardinal George
39 Pelland, Fr. Gilles (S.J.)
40 Pelletier , Professor Anne-Marie
41 Penn, Lee
42 Pennsylvania Catholic Bishops
43 Pentin, Edward
44 Pereira, Jose
45 Peric, Bishop Ratko
46 Perrignon, Richard
47 Perriset, Archbishop Jean-Claude
48 Perrotta, Louise
49 Pessina, Adriano
50 Peszek, Matthew E.
51 Peta, Archbishop Tomash
52 Petek, Michael
53 Peter, Rev. Val J.
54 Peters, Joel S.
55 Peters, Dr. Edward
56 Peterson, David J.
57 Petri, Thomas (O.P.)
58 Petruzzelli, Michael
59 Pham, John-Peter
60 Phelan, James E. (LCSW, BCD, Psy.D.)
61 Phillipps, Evelyn March
62 Phillips, Fr. Christopher
63 Phillips, John
64 Phillips, Francis
65 Piacenza, Cardinal Mauro
66 Piatak, Tom
67 Picucci, Egidio
68 Pierantoni, Claudio
69 Pietro, Maria Luisa Di
70 Pilger, Rex H. (Jr., Ph.D.)
71 Pilla, Bishop Anthony
72 Pilon, Fr. Mark A.
73 Pilon, R.M. (S.T.D.)
74 Pilsner, Fr. Peter R.
75 Pimentel, Stephen
76 Pinckaers, Fr. Servais (O.P.)
77 Pinheiro, Christine
78 Pitstick, Alyssa Lyra
79 Pius IX
80 Pius IX
81 Pius V
82 Pius VI
83 Pius VII
84 Pius VIII
85 Pius X
86 Pius XI
87 Pius XII
88 Platt, Michael
89 Plunket, St. Oliver
90 Plus, S.J. Raoul
91 Podles, Leon J.
92 Poetzl, Rev. Matthew (O.F.M.)
93 Pokorsky, Fr. Jerry J.
94 Polidori, Valerio
95 Polish Bishops Conference
96 Pollard, George
97 Pollock, Genevieve
98 Polycarp of Smyrna
99 Pontifical Academy for Life
100 Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
101 Pontifical Biblical Commission
102 Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei
103 Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church
104 Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
105 Pontifical Committee Intl. Eucharistic Congresses
106 Pontifical Committee Intl. Eucharistic Congresses
107 Pontifical Council Cor Unum
108 Pontifical Council for Culture
109 Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers
110 Pontifical Council For Inter-Religious Dialogue
111 Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
112 Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts
113 Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers
114 Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
115 Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
116 Pontifical Council for Social Communications
117 Pontifical Council for the Family
118 Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legal Texts
119 Pontifical Council for the Laity
120 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
121 Pontone, Jo-Anne
122 Pope, Msgr. Charles
123 Pope, Hugh (O.P.)
124 Popik, Kristin M.
125 Porteous, Julian
126 Porter, Lawrence B.
127 Possenti, Vittorio
128 Postulation for the Cause of Beatification , Luisa Piccarreta
129 Poterack, Kurt (Ph.D.)
130 Poupard, Cardinal Paul
131 Powers, Abigail
132 Previtali, Joseph F.
133 Prime Matters
134 Pronechen, Joseph
135 Provost , Bishop Glen John
136 Prudlo, Donald
137 Przudzik, Joseph
138 Puca, Pasquale
139 Puglisi, James F. (S.A.)
140 Pujats, Cardinal Janis
141 Puljic, Vinko
142 Purcell, Fr. Terence
143 Pursell, Brennan