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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "N" - 54 authors

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1 Nanavutty, Dina
2 Nanni, Rev. Carlo (S.D.B.)
3 Napier, Cardinal Wilfrid
4 Narrett, Eugene
5 National Association of Catholic Families
6 National Catholic Rural LIfe Conference
7 National Council of Catholic Bishops
8 Nauer, Barbara
9 Naughton, Michael
10 Naumann, Archbishop Joseph F.
11 Navarrete, Fr. Urbano (S.J.)
12 Navarro-Valls, Joaquin
13 Navone, Fr. John (S.J.)
14 Nazianzen, St. Gregory
16 NCCB Doctrine Committee
17 NCCB Secretariat for Doctrine and Pastoral Practices
18 Nebraska Bishops
19 Neilson, Fr. Joseph (OCD)
20 Neilson, Rev. Richard
21 Nelson, Matt
22 Nelson, Ralph
23 Nelson, Brian
24 Neuhaus, Richard John
25 Neumayr, George
26 Neves, Cardinal Lucas Moreira
27 Newbury, Dr. Claude E.
28 Newland, Mary Reed
29 Newman, John Henry
30 Newman, Brian
31 Newsome, Matthew A. C.
32 Nghi, Rev. John Tran Cong
33 Nguyen, Benedict T.
34 Nguyen, Dr. Doyen
35 Nguyen Thi Thu Hong, Elizabeth
36 Nicholas III
37 Nichols, Cardinal Vincent
38 Nichols, Arland K.
39 Nickless, Bishop R. Walter
40 Nienstedt, Bishop John C.
41 Nigro, Samuel A. (M.D.)
42 Nilges, Richard G.
43 Nin, Manuel
44 Nishimwe, Stella Marillene
45 Nolan, Tom
46 Noller, Randal D.
47 Nona, Archbishop Amel Shamon
48 Norman, Abby
49 Norris, Thomas
50 Norton, John
51 Novak, Michael
52 Novotny, Robert
53 Nowak, Archbishop Edward
54 Nugent, Madeline P.