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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "C" - 232 authors

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1 Cacciavillan , Cardinal Agostino
2 Caffarra, Cardinal Carlo
3 Caldecott, Stratford
4 Calderone, Adrian
5 Calkins, Msgr. Arthur B.
6 Call to Action
7 Calneggia, Frank
8 Calovich, Annie
9 Cameron, Fr. Peter John (O.P.)
10 Camilleri, Marijane
11 Camisasca, Mons. Massimo
12 Campbell, Colleen Carroll
13 Campbell, Fr. T. J. (S.J.)
14 Campbell, Dwight P.
15 Campbell, Bishop Colin
16 Campbell, C.A.
17 Campbell, Msgr. Paul E. (M.A., Litt.D., Ed.D.)
18 Campion, St. Edmund
19 Campion, Msgr. Owen F.
20 Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
21 Canavan, Fr. Francis (S.J.)
22 Cantalamessa, Fr. Raniero (O.F.M.Cap.)
23 Capponi, Neri (D.Cn.L., LL.D.)
24 Carballo, Archbishop José Rodríguez (O.F.M.)
25 Carberry, Cardinal John J.
26 Cardiel, Antonio Bellella (C.M.F.)
27 Cardinal McCarrick, Theodore
28 Cardinal Newman Society Staff
29 Cardinals and leadership of the Bishops' Conference
30 Carey, Michael R. (O.P.)
31 Carey, Ann
32 Carlin, David R.
33 Carlson, Dr. Allan
34 Carlson, Most Rev. Robert James
35 Carney, Very Rev. Msgr. Francis W. (S.T.D.)
36 Carosa, Alberto
37 Carrera, Archbishop Norberto Rivera
38 Carroll, Bishop John
39 Carroll, Lucy E.
40 Carroll, Rev. Eamon R. (O. Carm., S.T.D.)
41 Carroll, Warren H.
42 Carroll, William E.
43 Carson, W. R.
44 Carson, Theresa
45 Carson, Jonathan
46 Carstens, Larry A.
47 Cary, Bishop Liam
48 Case, Andrew W.
49 Case, Thomas W.
50 Cassati, Archbishop Carmelo
51 Cassidy, James F.
52 Cassidy, Cardinal Edward
53 Catalonian-Balearic Society For Palliative Care
54 Catholic Biblical Association Board
55 Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
56 Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines
57 Catholic Bishops of Alberta & the NW Territories
58 Catholic Bishops of Australia
59 Catholic Bishops of Connecticut
60 Catholic Bishops of Germany
61 Catholic Bishops of Maryland
62 Catholic Bishops of Minnesota
63 Catholic Bishops of New Jersey
64 Catholic Bishops of New York State
65 Catholic Bishops of Nigeria
66 Catholic Bishops of Rwanda
67 Catholic Bishops of Ukraine
68 Catholic Church
69 Catholic Conference of Illinois
70 Catholic Culture Staff
71 Catholic Encyclopedia
72 Catholic Laity Congress
73 Catholic Leadership Conference
74 Catholic Medical Association
75 Catholic News Agency
76 Catholic News Service
77 Catholic Schools Partnership
78 Catholic Truth Society of Oregon
79 Catholic World News
80 Cavalli, Dimitri
81 Cavanaugh-O'Keefe, John
82 Celeste McGovern
83 Celli, Archbishop Claudio
84 Center for Adolescent and Family Spirituality
85 Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
86 Central Committee for the Great Jubilee
87 Cepeda, Teresa
88 Ceplecha, Maria Stella
89 Cernea, Dr. Anca-Maria
90 Ceroke, Christian P. (O. Carm.)
91 Ceruti-Cendrier, Marie-Christine
92 Cervellera, Fr. Bernardo
93 Cervera, Jesus Castellano
94 Cesar, Eusebio
95 Cesareo, Francesco (Ph.D.)
96 Cessario, Romanus
97 Cetrulo, Robert C.
98 Cevetello, Joseph F. X.
99 Chalk, Casey
100 Chaput, Archbishop Charles J. (O.F.M. Cap.)
101 Charles I
102 Checchio, Bishop James
103 Check, Christopher
104 Check, Fr. Paul
105 Chervin, Ronda (Ph.D.)
106 Chesterton, G. K.
107 Chinese Government
108 Chiron, Yves
109 Christodoulos
110 Chrysologus, St. Peter
111 Chrysostom, St. John
112 Chrysostomos II
113 Chullikat, Archbishop Francis Assisi
114 Chullikat, Mons. Francis
115 Chyrowicz, Prof. Barbara
116 Ciappi, Cardinal Luigi
117 Cicha, Dominika
118 Cicognani, Cardinal Amleto Giovanni
119 Cipriani, Cardinal Juan Luis
120 Ciresi, Sal
121 Ciresi, Salvatore J.
122 Citrini, Tullio
123 Cizik, Fr. Ladis J.
124 Clarfield, Geoffrey
125 Clark, Anthony E. (Ph.D.)
126 Clark, John
127 Claudel, Paul
128 Cleaveland, Raymond
129 Clemens, Alphonse H. (Ph.D.)
130 Clement of Alexandria
131 Clement Of Rome
132 Clement V
133 Clement XIII
134 Clement XIV
135 Clinton, Farley
136 Clowes, Brian W. (Ph D)
137 Coakley, Archbishop Paul S.
138 Cobb, George H.
139 Coe, Jonathan B.
140 Cole, Basil (O.P.)
141 Collins, Cardinal Thomas Christopher
142 Collins, Toni
143 Collison, Joseph
144 Colliton, William F. (Jr., M.D.)
145 Colston, Kenneth
146 Commission Ecclesia Dei
147 Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
148 Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community (COMECE)
149 Committee on Doctrine of the NCCB
150 Committee on Marriage and Family, NCCB
151 Concetti, Gino
152 Condic, Maureen L.
153 Confraternity of Catholic Clergy
154 Congregation for Bishops
155 Congregation for Catholic Education
156 Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
157 Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life
158 Congregation for Religious
159 Congregation for the Causes of Saints
160 Congregation for the Clergy
161 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
162 Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples or for the Propagation of the Faith
163 Conley, Bishop James D. (S.T.L.)
164 Conlon, Bishop R. Daniel
165 Connecticut Catholic Bishops
166 Connell, Fr. Francis J. (C.SS.R.)
167 Connell, Rev. Francis J. (C.SS.R.)
168 Conner, Laurene
169 Connolly, Rev. James L. (Ph.D.)
170 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of Second Vatican Council
171 Conti, Archbishop Mario
172 Contini, Lisa Marie
173 Conway, Bertrand L.
174 Coogan, John E. (S.J.)
175 Cook, Michael
176 Cook, Emily J.
177 Coon, Carla Marie
178 Coonley, Bishop James D.
179 Copp, Jay
180 Corbett, John (O.P.)
181 Cordileone, Archbishop Salvatore J.
182 Cork, William J. (D.Min.)
183 Corrada, Bishop Alvaro (S.J.)
184 Correa, Prof. Juan de Dios Vial
185 Costello, Frederick A.
186 Costelloe, M. Joseph (S.J., Ph.D.)
187 Cottier, Fr. Georges (O.P.)
188 Coulombe, Charles A.
189 Coulter, Rev. Gary
190 Council of Basel
191 Council of Chalcedon
192 Council of Constance
193 Council of Constantinople
194 Council of Ephesus
195 Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE)
196 Council of Lyons
197 Council of Nicaea
198 Council of Orange
199 Council of Toledo
200 Council of Trent
201 Couretas, John
202 Covolo, Fr. Enrico dal (S.D.B.)
203 Cowan, Steven B.
204 Coyle, John G. (M.D.)
205 Coyne, Bishop Christopher J.
206 Cozzens, Bishop Andrew H.
207 Craig, Marion
208 Crane, Anita
209 Crashaw, Richard
210 Craughwell, Thomas J.
211 Craven, Ken
212 Crawford, David S.
213 Crean, Fr. Thomas (O.P.)
214 Crepaldi, Archbishop Giampaolo
215 Crocker, H. W. (III)
216 Crosby, John F.
217 Crowe, Marian E.
218 Cruz, Fr. Marcón Rincón (O.F.M. )
219 Cuddeback, Dr. John (Ph.D.)
220 Cullen, Christopher M.
221 Cummings, Christopher
222 Cunningham, W. Patrick
223 Curley, Michael J. (C.SS.R.)
224 Curp, T. David
225 Curtin, David
226 Curtiss, Archbishop Elden Francis
227 Cushing, Cardinal Richard J. (D.D., LL.D.)
228 Cuthbert (O.S.F.C.)
229 CWR Staff
230 Cyprian
231 Cyril of Alexandria
232 Cyril of Jerusalem