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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "A" - 87 authors

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1 Abbott, Matt C.
2 Abbott, Anna
3 Adams, Jason T.
4 Adamus, Edmund P.
5 Adkins, Annamarie
6 Aglialoro, Todd M.
7 Aguilina, Mike
8 Ahlquist, Dale
9 Aiken, Charles F. (S.T.D.)
10 Aillet, Bishop Marc
11 Akin, Jimmy
12 Akin, James
13 Albacete, Msgr. Lorenzo
14 Albers, Frits (PH.B.)
15 Alderman, Matthew
16 Alexander, Leo (M.D.)
17 Alexander VI
18 Alimandi, Mgr. Luciano
19 Allaire, Georges
20 Allam, Magdi
21 Allard, Bob
22 Allen, Sister Prudence (R.S.M.)
23 Allers, Rudolf (Ph.D.)
24 Alliance of Two Hearts & Immaculate Mediatrix
25 Allott, Daniel
26 al-Tayyib, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahamad
27 Altier, Fr. Robert
28 Alvare, Helen
29 Amato, Angelo (S.D.B.)
30 Ambert, Anne-Marie (Ph.D.)
31 American Life League
32 Amos, Bishop Martin
33 Anatasius of Antioch
34 Anatrella, Mons. Tony
35 Anderson, Brian C.
36 Anderson, Carl
37 Anderson, Ryan T.
38 Anderson, Mary Jo
39 Anderson, Ryan T. (PhD)
40 Andrew of Crete
41 Angelo, E. Joanne
42 Anonymous
43 Anselm
44 Antiseri, Dario
45 Apostleship of Prayer
46 Apostoli, Fr. Andrew (C.F.R.)
47 Apostolic Penitentiary
48 Aquila, Archbishop Samuel J. (D.D.)
49 Aquilina, Mike
50 Aradi, Zsolt
51 Araujo, Fr. Robert John (S.J.)
52 Archdiocese of Baltimore
53 Archdiocese of Olinda and Recife
54 Archdiocese of St. Louis
55 Ardura, Rev. Bernard (O. Praem.)
56 Arellano, Msgr. Fernando Chica
57 Arias, Joseph
58 Arias, David
59 Arias, Jennaya
60 Arinze, Cardinal Francis
61 Armstrong, Dave
62 Armstrong, H. Reed
63 Armstrong, Patti
64 Arnold, Michelle
65 Arntz, Veronica A.
66 Arrieta, Bishop Juan Ignacio
67 Arthur, Archbishop Roche
68 Ashley, Fr. Benedict (P.P.)
69 Assaf, Andrea Kirk
70 Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land
71 Association of Students at Catholic Colleges
72 Athanasius
73 Athenagoras Of Athens
74 Attarian, John
75 Aufill, W. Robert
76 Augustine
77 Augustyn, Noel J.
78 Aumann, Jordan (O.P.)
79 Australian Bishops and the Prefects and Secretaries of six Dicasteries of the Roman Curia
80 Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
81 Austriaco, Nicanor Pier Giorgio
82 Auth, Rev. Francis A. (C.SS.R.)
83 Auza, Archbishop Bernardito
84 Avanooparambil, Fr. Justin (OCD)
85 Avila, Daniel
86 Aymans, Prof. Winfried
87 Aziagbia, Bishop Nestor Desiré Nogo