Why Should I Give Permission To Publish My Comment?
Trinity Communications will occasionally publicly make use of portions of comments received from users on our site. This is for two reasons: to establish credibility and to give credit.
When printing testimonials or criticism from our users, it helps to provide some identifying information so that the reader has no doubt of the statements' authenticity.
If you have made a particularly good point in a message, we would like to be able to have the option of reprinting the comment (in part or in full) and attributing it to its source.
At no time do we use full identifying information; only limited personal information such as the first name, city, and state/province will be used. We do not print the first and last name together.
For example, we might write, "A particularly astute comment came from John in Oxear, Montana, who stated that 'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'"
We would not write, "John Doe of 1224 Lynwood Lane, Oxear, Montana stated that 'CatholicCulture.org is never right about anything!'"
Under all circumstances, we intend to respect your privacy and confidentiality. We will never print any comment or question received that is clearly of a personal nature and not intended for public consumption.
Occasionally correspondence with a user will serve as inspiration for a future article. Under these circumstances, we will never reprint anything that could possibly identify the user to a third party.