
By Diogenes ( articles ) | Oct 08, 2008

 Seeking wisdom that might be applied to our national's political campaigns, the National Catholic Reporter cast about for an appropriate analyst and found-- now here's a surprise-- Rev. Richard McBrien, the "noted theologian" who has spent the past 30 years shuffling from Call to Action conference to NCR interview to CNN television appearance, explaining that Catholics don't-- or at least shouldn't-- believe what the Vatican tells them to believe, and that Pope John Paul II was wrong about... pretty much everything. Despite the current Pontiff's reputation as a theological conservative, McBrien likes him better:

Benedict tends to be laid-back and self-effacing, in contrast to John Paul II who usually occupied center stage, the theologian explained.

Hmmm. What's wrong with having the Pope occupy center stage? 

Oh, I get it. There's only room for one "noted theologian" in the limelight.

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