Two hearts that beat as one ...

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Mar 20, 2005

… two minds but with a single thought. Earlier we cited an article from the LA archdiocesan news paper quoting James Martin, S.J.'s address on gay priests to the Religious Ed Congress:

"Today there are hundreds, if not thousands, of celibate gay priests ministering to Catholics in parishes, schools, hospitals, high schools, colleges, retreat houses, soup kitchens, nursing homes and chanceries," said Jesuit Father James Martin, associate editor and TV columnist for America magazine.

Compare this carefully to the statement issued by the Rainbow Sash Movement:

Presently there are gay celibate priests ministering in our parishes, schools, hospitals, high schools, colleges, retreat houses, soup kitchens, and nursing homes.

A remarkable intellectual convergence. Back to the bold, independent thinking in L.A.:

In spite of this fact, according to Father Martin, the U.S. church has great difficulty discussing the issue of gay priests at all. He cited eight reasons for this situation:

-- Fear and hatred of gays and lesbians.

-- Assumption that being a gay priest means that one is, by definition, sexually active and incapable of chastity.

-- Assumption that being a gay priest means one is a pedophile or ephebophile, … &c.

To be contrasted with the bold, independent thinking in the RSM manifesto:

Why than are our bishops afraid of addressing this topic openly and honestly? The Rainbow Sash Movement believes this happens for the following reasons:

-- Fear and hatred of gays and lesbians,

-- Assumption that being a gay priest that one is by definition sexually active,

Assumption that being a gay priest means one is a pedophile or ephebophile, … &c.

And this, boys and girls, is celebrating diversity.

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