throwaway lives

By ( articles ) | Aug 04, 2005

Why clone dogs?

An ethicist explains to the New York Times: "There's sort of a dry run here for the human cloning debate," he said. "What we do with dogs we may well end up doing with our kids."

Hmm. OK. So then what did "we" do with dogs? The Times reports:

The group worked for nearly three years, seven days a week, 365 days a year and used 1,095 eggs from 122 dogs before finally succeeding with the birth of a cloned male Afghan hound.

Granted, this is just testing, and the subjects aren't human. But when they get to work on humans, researchers will bring the same attitudes to their work. How many women will be scarred (physically and psychologically), and how many human embryos will land in the dumpster, for each "successful" clone?

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