This will work
By ( articles ) | Oct 23, 2005
I wanted to quote one bit from the Boston Globe story today about Archbishop Sean’s plan to fix Boston Catholic schools – it made me laugh out loud:
Catholic priests no longer tell families they are obliged to send their children to Catholic schools, and the anti-Catholicism that once drove Catholics to Catholic schools has largely vanished from the public schools.
So true, if you think of it this way: public schools have successfully eradicated religion altogether, making anti-Catholicism per se unnecessary.
Anyway, the story says that Archbishop Sean is turning to his critics to solve his problems with Catholic schools in the diocese. Peter Lynch, for instance, did such a great job turning Boston College around that Archbishop Sean hopes Jack Connors Jr. will do the same for the schools.
(I have no doubt that BC is doing great financially. The fact that it’s not identifiable as a Catholic institution seems not to enter into the discussion about the parochial schools – in fact, by “solve the problems” Archbishop Sean seems to mean “make solvent” – and possibly “make academically competitive” – but clearly not “restore to the Faith.” But then, Archbishop Sean doesn’t see the archdiocesan mandated program “Talking About Touching” as child abuse, and I do, so I suppose we don’t have the same criteria when it comes to education.)
Applying the business school approach to the spiritual works of mercy will be wonderfully fruitful I have no doubt. Not only will Catholic schools not be rescued from their current lame secular state, they will go the way of every Catholic charitable work, becoming a function of either the state or big business.
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