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By ( articles ) | Aug 30, 2004

From an October 2003 deposition of former Scranton Bishop James Timlin:

Bishop Timlin: You're not [angry]? OK. You sound angry but go ahead.

Mr. Bendell: I'm angry that a boy was molested and you don't seem to give a damn.

Bishop Timlin: Don't you dare say that to me. Don't you dare say that to me. Don't you dare say anything like that to me. I'll get very angry if you accuse me of something like that because that's not true. Never mind why it's not true, you said something and I said it's not true, and I'll not sit here and let you accuse me of saying something like that or doing something like that. How dare you say that. I don't care whether a boy was molested or not -- how could you come to a conclusion like that?

Never mind why it's not true.

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