priestly insight
By Diogenes ( articles ) | Feb 07, 2007
The Rev. Andrew Greeley does some electoral preemption for our benefit.
The commentators who offer wisdom for the masses frequently predict outcomes on the basis of how much money a given candidate may have amassed before a campaign is announced, as in asserting that Sen. Hillary Clinton has the Democratic nomination virtually in hand because of the size of her war chest. Now, I personally like the senator and think she'd make a good president (all hate mail on the subject will be deleted), but such comments demonstrate the folly of American politics.
Back in 1999, post-Monica, when the First Couple needed some repair to its tattered domestic camouflage, Greeley obligingly joined the list of Lincoln Bedroom dossers at the White House (he bashfully explains that he actually slept in the Queens' Bedroom across the hall; perhaps Steven Spielberg's snoring put him off). As a Roman Catholic clergyman, he's always been on the side of the little guy.
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Posted by: Lisa Nicholas, PhD -
Jun. 19, 2010 5:14 PM ET USA
Apparently the Vatican does not check its "track backs" -- the errors are still there!
Posted by: -
Jun. 15, 2010 1:14 PM ET USA
It sounds like these are "Global Find and Replace Errors!"
Posted by: msorensen71798 -
Jun. 10, 2010 12:28 AM ET USA
Modern technology does not obviate the need for profreeding.
Posted by: -
Jun. 09, 2010 4:22 PM ET USA
And it still wouldn't have fixed the Latin typo in the first paragraph.
Posted by: Saint Jimbob of the Apokalypse -
Jun. 09, 2010 1:06 PM ET USA
"..Save us from the fires of Helvetica..."
Posted by: -
Jun. 09, 2010 12:47 PM ET USA
The only thing you can do is say a small prayer and sing an Arial.