Our motto: Working to Rape You Less
By ( articles ) | Apr 17, 2003
St. Luke Institute president Fr. Stephen Rossetti on re-integrating pedophile priests (America, 9-9-95):
Fortunately, most of the priests who offend against minors do not have these negative treatment indicators [i.e., evidence of violent behavior, low I.Q., low capacity for insight, sexual abuse of very young children, organic brain deficits, severe character disorder]. For example, Gene Abel's landmark study in 1987 found that 377 non-incarcerated child molesters who victimized children outside the home had an average of 72.72 victims and an average of 128.11 total acts of abuse. In contrast, in a Saint Luke Institute sample of 84 priest-child molesters, the average number of victims was 8.52 and the average number of total sexual contacts with minors was 32.14. Our data suggest that priest-perpetrators of child sexual abuse are likely to commit fewer acts against fewer victims.
That gives me a warm feeling inside.
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