Off the Wall

By ( articles ) | Jun 15, 2003

In an editorial titled "Clay-Footed Cardinal," the Los Angeles Times indicates skepticism about Mahony's own claim to be in the vanguard of enlightened openness.

Mahony's earlier vows of cooperation and transparency seemed forgotten. As late as May 2002, he declared, "We want every single thing to be out, open and dealt with, period." Mahony's response to Keating, through a spokesperson, dripped with condescension. The former governor and federal prosecutor was "sincere and well meaning" but "not an authority on California law or the concerns of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles," the spokesperson said. Mahony himself said Thursday that Keating was "off the wall" and that he, Mahony, didn't believe that Keating could "continue to have the support of the bishops."

Mahony has sought and achieved influence on public issues including immigrant rights and social justice for the poor. His stonewalling on his own priests' accused misdeeds diminishes his ability to stir society's conscience on other matters.

Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Patty Murray, Barbara Mikulski ... ever hear a bishop call any of these Catholic elected officials "off the wall"? Curiouser and curiouser.

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