non sequitur
By ( articles ) | Feb 05, 2008
And speaking of prudential judgments on political matters (see the post below), consider this passage from a statement just released by Catholic Charities USA:
As demand for services continues to increase at Catholic Charities across the country, it is critical that Congress take concrete steps, starting with the federal budget, to help low-income families.
Huh? What? Why?
If the agencies affiliated with Catholic Charities see an increased demand for their services, it follows that Catholic Charities should take concrete steps to help low-income families. They're the ones to whom the poor people are coming to help; they're the ones with the immediate need. So if Catholic Charities USA were to cite the increased need in an appeal for donations-- it could be a very timely appeal, tied to the pious practice of increased almsgiving during Lent-- that would make perfect sense.
But Catholic Charities isn't asking for money from you and me; the nationwide group is asking-- demanding would be a more accurate term-- money from Congress. Ultimately that money would come from you and me, of course. But it would come in the form of taxation, not charity.
And it is called Catholic Charities USA, you know-- not, say, Catholic Tax Revenues USA-- which, come to think of it, might be more accurate.
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Posted by: -
Nov. 04, 2009 2:54 PM ET USA
I can understand the sign in the SF park - SF is full of gays, druggies, winos, etc. They weren't requiring police background clearance. The Dallas charter assumes that keeping known, convicted sex offenders away from kids will solve the problem. But we know for a fact that bishops put KNOWN sex offenders in contact with kids. Does the Dallas charter allow them to keep doing so? Does the absence of a criminal record get them off the hook?!?
Posted by: -
Nov. 03, 2009 7:23 PM ET USA
Several years ago, my wife and 4 yr. old son went to San Fran for a meeting. We tried to take him to a city park but were stopped by the sign:"No adults unless accompanied by a child". It's already happening here!
Posted by: Gil125 -
Nov. 03, 2009 2:37 PM ET USA
...Just as the Dallas Charter requires fingerprinting and background checks of all parish personnel, including janitors and secretaries, because we all know how many janitors and secretaries abused little boys.
Posted by: sparch -
Nov. 03, 2009 1:40 PM ET USA
I was going to say that I have to do nothing less when coaching my son's basketball team in the Catholic Youth Organization. Welcome to our "not so brave new world".