mum's the word
By Diogenes ( articles ) | Jan 27, 2008
The Spanish daily El Pais supplies some background on the new Jesuit General Adolfo Nicolás Pachón. Family lore has it that Adolfo was first picked as a Pedro Arrupe avatar by none other than Arrupe himself:
Modesta Pachón died in the certainty that Adolfo, the third of her four sons, would one day lead the Society of Jesus. This was not simply the partiality of a doting mother. "Father Arrupe had said: 'Your son will succeed me'" -- so claims Felix Nicolás, a retired banker, four years older than his brother Adolfo. While the prediction did not emerge from the domestic sphere, the name Adolfo Nicolás had for some time been heard as a possible replacement for Peter-Hans Kolvenbach.
What Fr. Arrupe may have said to Fr. Kolvenbach's mother is not reported.
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Posted by: Miss Cathy -
Nov. 09, 2009 2:19 PM ET USA
I've often wondered about their claim to "love" women. As I recall the founder of the Anglican Church had a history of loving his own wives to death.
Posted by: extremeCatholic -
Nov. 07, 2009 10:44 PM ET USA
When I read that I wonder if any ecumenical dialog conducted by Dr. Kirk Smith was done in good faith. If he believed all that about the Catholic Church, what could have been his motive in any outreach to the Catholic Church?
Posted by: -
Nov. 07, 2009 10:45 AM ET USA
As I read all these apoplectic comments from certain Anglicans, it demonstrates what a sham the old Ecumenism was. The supposed "good faith" discussions were papering over deep seated resentments and vitriol. It's as if both sides were signing their agreements while holding daggers behind their backs.
Posted by: -
Nov. 06, 2009 8:56 PM ET USA
"midnight madman with a saliva-bespattered keyboard venting into the comboxes" I heard someone ring the dinner bell.