By ( articles ) | Aug 10, 2003
This Midwestern Conservative Journal guy really needs to -- actually, we really need him to get our of the Episcopal Church and become a Catholic. And we need to resettle him in Los Angeles, in the shadow of the new cathedral, during the next L.A. Religious Ed Congress, with a pair of binoculars and a nice new word processor, and await developments.
Here's part of his take on his Presiding Bishop's closing sermon at the Minneapolis Convention:
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, Paul tells us in todays first reading. What does it mean to be saved, but to be drawn out of our little worlds of self-preoccupation and placed in the open space of Gods transfiguring and all transforming love? And how does this happen? It happens because life accosts us; circumstances force themselves upon us and we are obliged to leave the security of our various Egypts, our states of certitude that are often forms of bondage and launch out into the wilderness with no clear sense of destination. All we know is that we are being led by a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day. And yet, in the wilderness, manna appears, a gift is given, love descends supplying hope and giving courage, as well as the strength to journey on."
[MCJ -- Meaning: nothing in particular. I'm just guessing here but I think Frank believes that wherever we are, we should go someplace else because there'll be more love there. Or something.]
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