looking very lay in L.A.
By ( articles ) | Oct 01, 2005
Brace yourselves, Angelenos. Parish Life Directors are coming your way. Cardinal Mahony explains:
Some few parishes in the Archdiocese are already being led by competent laypersons. However, beginning on July 1, 2006, this number will likely increase considerably. I am fully supportive of the efforts of the Task Force as they begin to identify those parishes that will soon be served through the able ministry of a Parish Life Director. Furthermore, I am committed to the implementation of this form of parish leadership, which is NOT A STOPGAP MEASURE OR TEMPORARY SOLUTION to the diminishing number of priestly and Religious vocations.
My emphasis. Were that paragraph written by anyone but an ordained clergyman I'd tend to be skeptical. Read on:
Two important remarks are in order here. First, a parish served by a Parish Life Director may at a later time be served once again by a resident priest pastor. Second, a parish led by a Parish Life Director is NOT PROPOSED AS THE MODEL FOR MINISTRY NOW OR IN THE FUTURE, but is one response to meet the pastoral needs of our Local Church AT THIS TIME, a valid and valuable expression of Church leadership for which there is provision in Canon Law.
In other words, a stopgap measure. I'm relieved.
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