light summer reading

By ( articles ) | Jun 30, 2010

 Yes, I know what you're thinking, and I feel exactly the same way. 

We'll all sleep better tonight, knowing that even while the Belgian police are raiding the bishops' headquarters, and a majority of Austrian priests embrace heresy, and Indian schoolchildren are being questioned by police for the offense of professing the Christian faith, the Vatican can still focus on the really important things, such as the connection between tourism and biodiversity

 Efforts to protect and promote biological diversity in its relation with tourism are developed, firstly, through participative and shared strategies, in which the implied diverse sectors are involved. The majority of governments, international institutions, professional associations of the tourist sector and non-governmental organisations defend, with a long-term vision, the necessity of sustainable tourism as the only possible form in order for their development to simultaneously be economically profitable, protect natural and cultural resources and serve as a real help in the fight against poverty.

Took the words right out of my mouth. 

 Can't wait to read the whole document. I'm saving it for my vacation. 

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