knox minor

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Apr 18, 2006

In the sacristy of your parish you'll find an "ordo," an annually-issued liturgical almanac that lists the commemorations and readings of the day, and so forth. Only Ronald Knox could respond to his new ordo with a book review, and pull it off:

The fabled clergyman who gave out from his pulpit, 'Today is Easter Day; last Friday was Good Friday, but as it was overlooked it will be kept next Friday,' might have spared himself these embarrassments if he had possessed a copy of the unpretentious but tastefully produced booklet that reaches us from Burns, Oates & Washbourne, entitled Ordo Recitandi Divini Officii, etc., etc., etc. (1/6 net). The author modestly preserves anonymity, nor does he betray his identity by any marked individuality of treatment; but his colleagues will be glad to welcome a piece of solid work from his pen, and will not fail to recognize his attention to detail and his terse, nervous Latinity.

From The Edmundian, April 21st, 1923.

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