Kissling's latest brainstorm

By ( articles ) | Aug 18, 2006

Frances Kissling, of the laughably named group "Catholics" for a Free Choice, has put on the full-court press once again. Capitalizing on the international AIDS conference being held in Toronto this week, she is promoting a cause called Condoms for Life.

Like most Kissling initiatives, Condoms for Life is an attack on the Catholic Church. Also typical of her work, it is a campaign that involves very few people and very little activity, but a huge public-relations offensive. She has succeeded, for instance, in arranging an interview with Voice of America.

She says the Pope’s guidelines and the Catholic Church influence many people through healthcare and should promote sexual practices that would reduce the spread of disease and human suffering.

What a good idea! The Church should promote abstinence and marital fidelity, which are undoubtedly the best ways to prevent the spread of AIDS! Gosh golly; why hasn't the Vatican thought of that!?

But wait. There are no large corporations manufacturing abstinence-related products, and making large contributions to Kissling's organization. Oh. Never mind.

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