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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on March 24, 2009.

eNewsletter Subject: A Universal Salvific Mission

The Pope's apostolic visit to Africa provides an outstanding opportunity to appreciate the Church's special love for the people in each region of the world in the context of her universal salvific mission. Here, for convenience, are Benedict XVI's addresses during his current trip:

That's probably enough to keep anyone busy, but I'd also like to call your attention today to two other items. First, I have a point to make on the brouhaha over the Pope's comments on the dangers of using condomns to fight AIDS, made at the beginning of his African excursion. See Moral Hazard.

Second, on perhaps a more refreshing note, there is a new web site devoted to hearth and home. See our review of Catholic Home & Garden.

Jeff Mirus...

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