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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on April 16, 2024.

eNewsletter Subject: Penguins, ambition and Catholicism

Fr. Jerry Pokorsky leads off today with a fascinating essay on the Divinely-inspired human interest in figuring things out. He uses Penguins as a good example of how to to proceed: Penguins and the Puzzle Palace.

Continuing a somewhat light-hearted approach (assuming that penguins are light-hearted), I offer a book review of a truly enjoyable coffee-table book which highlights and explains Catholicism Everywhere.

In the latest episode of Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast, Thomas Mirus and James Majewski discuss two classic Hollywood films which (unlike penguins) deal with the moral problem of overweening ambition: Studies of ambition: All About Eve, The Bad and the Beautiful.


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