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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on February 2, 2024.

eNewsletter Subject: The Light Feast

Today is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, or Candlemas. As this is both a Marian and a Christocentric feast, we’ve uploaded to YouTube our audiobook of a classic sermon by St. John Henry Newman in which he explains the Providential logic behind the gradual development of Marian doctrine: The Glories of Mary for the Sake of Her Son.

Now for commentary: In The dangerous Vatican enthusiasm for the WEF, Phil Lawler comments on the Vatican’s troubling endorsement of global organizations that are, to a large extent, enemies to the Catholic faith, Catholic morality and Catholic social teaching.

And Dr. Jeff Mirus follows up on Phil’s article with some practical principles about how the Church should approach collaboration with secular organizations. In On playing the game of Common Good with a crooked deck, he writes: Organizations and movements which find themselves in opposition to Christ cannot promote the common good. Meanwhile, the Pope’s Lenten message: focus on ‘integral ecology’.

Back when James Majewski and I did our final appraisal of the Vatican film list, James recommended a number of fascinating experimental short films that could be added to a hypothetical future list. I’ve put together James’s recommendations as a single clip on YouTube: James Majewski's AVANT-GARDE MOVIE COUNTDOWN!


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