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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on October 16, 2015.

eNewsletter Subject: A New Initiative but the Same Faith

On October 24th, we plan to release a new design for The most obvious change will be to the home page, which will provide a better overview of the materials posted, day by day, over the past ten days, along with particularly important items at the very top of the page.

But the site as a whole will be streamlined and optimized for quick and easy use on mobile devices. According to the latest statistics, about a third of all users most frequently visit websites on their phones and small tablets.

Another big deal is our Fall Challenge Grant, which we'll announce on Monday. Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, our careful coverage of events and ideas of special interest to Catholics will continue. For example, Phil Lawler tries to get to the bottom of the letter from a number of cardinals to Pope Francis which was leaked to the press. See Who leaked the cardinals' letter? Cui bono?...

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