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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on October 14, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: Sorting out the Synod

Yesterday I posted the second part of my explanation of why we should expect the progress of the Synod on the Family to be a bit confused. See A chaotic synod? Reason two: The Church in our time.

I hope to complete this analysis tomorrow, with a consideration of the unique problem presented to the modern world by marriage. Meanwhile, it seems the Synod is beginning to settle into a serious discussion of gradualism. For example:

The assembled bishops are not unaware, as you'll see in the October 13 roundup, of the potential pitfalls of the gradualist approach. For a more thorough discussion of the issue, see Msgr. Charles Pope's analysis: Pondering “Gradualism” and the “Midterm” Report....

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