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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on September 12, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: Music to Our Spiritual Ears

Perhaps the most striking commentary we have posted this week is the beginning of Thomas Van's fascinating exploration of the role of music in the spiritual life: The Mystery of Music, Part I. Stay tuned for more.

Moving from spiritual growth to religious persecution, Phil Lawler looks at the Washington conference on the plight of Christians in the Middle East and explains how Senator Cruz undermined the cause of persecuted Christians.

Then, turning our attention to our own crumbling social order, I attempt to explain why Successful societies are (always) rooted in the family.

Meanwhile, Cardinal Francis George of Chicago tells A Tale of Two Churches. He argues that American law and jurisprudence have become the servant of a State religion, forcing Christians to choose the "church" to which they will belong....

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