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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on July 4, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: Today America Needs Evangelization

Given that the United States celebrates its founding today, we at are enjoying what amounts to a partial holiday. We want to join in the fellowship of family and friends, but this is not a religious feast!

Now me, I am sitting on the side of Lake Champlain, wondering when the skies are going to clear after several inches of rain. But it is still better than sitting in my office at home. So let me be brief.

Yesterday, the American Supreme Court issued another ruling restricting the scope of the HHS contraception mandate. The grounds seems cleared now for a great many schools and non-profit organizations to avoid paying for immoral services: Christian college wins Supreme Court injunction in religious challenge to contraceptive mandate.

And my offering for today is a Christian perspective on America's Independence Day. However, this is not just for Americans. It applies to national celebrations, I think, throughout the West: Independence Day: No future without evangelization....

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