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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on July 1, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: Corporate Victory over HHS Mandate

The US Supreme Court ruled yesterday that closely-held corporations cannot be forced by the government to provide contraceptive coverage to their employees. This is a huge step in eliminating the HHS Mandate for abortion, contraception and sterilization from Obamacare.

Please see our Catholic World News story for details: Supreme Court upholds Hobby Lobby challenge to contraceptive mandate.

The American bishops welcomed the decision, though they have their own case pending on different grounds: USCCB welcomes Hobby Lobby decision.

All the Usual Suspects, of course, decried the Court's decision, mostly as a blow to women. Phil Lawler offers his reflections on the Court's ruling and the Court's critics: Bad biology, bad policy in the Hobby Lobby reactions....

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