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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on February 7, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: With Friends Like the UN and the German Bishops...

The calculated attack on the Holy See (for that is what it was) by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child clearly showed the gulf which separates modern secularists from Catholics when it comes to the real needs of children, the rights of parents, and the values needed for a healthy social order.

A preliminary (and sharp) response from the Vatican was given by the director of the Vatican press office, Fr. Federico Lombardi.

I of course was ready to write at length about the mistaken notions which lie at the root of the UN committee's criticism but, in his inimitable manner, Phil Lawler scored with just a few words: People who live in glass houses. It is also very odd to be lectured by the UN on the rights of children while that body is so aggressively promoting abortion around the world.

And as Tuesday's message had already demonstrated, the German bishops did not present a much prettier picture with their report on marriage and sexuality among Catholics in Germany. In fact, they so misunderstand what must be done that I could not restrain myself. See my latest In Depth Analysis: German bishops should emphasize mission, not change rules....

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