Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic Culture Liturgical Living

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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on October 1, 2013.

eNewsletter Subject: Keeping Up with Pope Francis

Pope Francis has given another interview, this time with the atheist founder of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. See both our news story and the full text.

We must sadly expect that, since the Pope expressed disdain for proselytism, clericalism, and the self-contained bureaucratic tendencies of the Curia, commentators will immediately proclaim that he opposes conversion, priests and papal administration!

Remember this key to Pope Francis: He wants every Catholic, regardless of particular responsibilities, to live in solidarity with others, taking their difficulties seriously, and bearing personal responsibility for sharing the faith, hope and love we experience from Jesus Christ in the heart of the Church. He sees this as the key to authentic renewal and the new evangelization. Keep this in mind, and you won't leap to wild, insupportable conclusions.

We also have some very strong recent addresses and homilies of Pope Francis, the first two of which are on something he stresses as very important: catechesis in the Catholic Faith:...

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