Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic Culture Liturgical Living

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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on July 23, 2013.

eNewsletter Subject: Charity, Saints and the Sign of the Cross

As Pope Francis joins the crowds at World Youth Day, I am reminded that this pope makes himself more accessible—and therefore more vulnerable—than any pope in recent history. A bomb has already been found near a site he plans to visit. We need to protect the Holy Father, and all the young pilgrims, with our prayers.

Among other things in the news that merit consideration, I'd like to point to the controversy over some recent grants by Catholic Relief Services. The current problem, I think, is not easily resolved, but it points to deeper issues which continue to haunt the Church's institutionalized charitable works. See Catholic Relief Services vs. Malaria: The Real Issue.

It is also remarkable how much critical news continues to surround the thorny problem of homosexuality. The failure to get this right distorts relationships and institutions throughout the world. Consider these three stories:

I am travelling this week, or at least trying to, and I have a personal, highly mobile angle on a great book on the Sign of the Cross: See Making the Sign of the Cross on the Road....

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