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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on August 10, 2012.

eNewsletter Subject: Building Blocks of Culture

In my In Depth Analysis this week, I take up the increasingly obvious failure of the West's secular liberal order, and what this means for the development of culture: After Liberalism, the Deluge?

Then, knowing how often people find my more philosophical essays deficient in concrete recommendations, I start a list of specific approaches to the problem in Intermediary Institutions Represent, Preserve and Shape a Robust Culture. I'll be happy to receive feedback based on your own experience with different initiatives.

Meanwhile, many have written asking that we say something—anything!—about the scandal of Cardinal Dolan's invitation of President Obama to speak at the Al Smith Dinner. Without these requests, Phil Lawler and I might have simply raised our hands in disbelief, figuring the situation spoke for itself. But your wish is our command:

Personally, I don't think efforts to get the invitation revoked will have any effect whatsoever, but we can all continue to pray for the strengthening of our bishops. Here are Pope Benedict's latest Wednesday audiences on prayer, plus a third homily on a highly relevant topic:...

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