Homosexuality as a gift?
By ( articles - email ) | Mar 20, 2003
David Mills at the Touchstone blog (look for the 5:15 pm entry from today) reveals that the Diocese of Baton Rouge, LA, is sponsoring a pro-homosexual retreat. Now this isn't simply an occasion where the teachings of the Church will be muddled a bit, but a straight on rejection of them. You could go so far as to call it outright heresy. The flyer advertising it has a quote from a Jesuit priest:
- Homosexuality is one of God's most significant gifts to humanity. To be gay or lesbian is to have received a special blessing from God. All human sreceive their special graces from their creator, but God has chosen some to be gay or lesbian as a way of revealing something about God-self [sic, as you'd expect] that heterosexuals do not.
This is just outrageous. I can't believe that they can get away with something so blatantly heterodox. Maybe if the light of day is shone upon it and people get a little outraged, the diocese will do the right thing.
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