Hillary's night off
By ( articles ) | May 04, 2007
Hillary Clinton is scheduled to speak at a fundraiser for Mercy Home, a Catholic charity in Chicago, later this month.
Right away, you start thinking about how in St. Louis, Archbishop Burke quit the board of a charitable group that featured Sheryl Crow at a fundraiser, noting that Crow is a public proponent of legal abortion and stem-cell research. Would Cardinal George do the same in Chicago? Don't hold your breath.
Mercy Home spokesman Mark Schmeltzer told LifeSiteNews.com that Fr. Donohue was approached by Chicago Cardinal Francis George about the upcoming Clinton fundraiser. "The Cardinal had some very understandable misgivings but he just wanted to be assured this was not a political stop," Schmeltzer told LifeSiteNews.com.
She's a presidential candidate, making a public appearance, but it's not political. Sure. She'll probably be in Chicago for other reasons, such as... such as... Anyway she'll probably won't talk about politics, but about one of the other topics on which she's an expert, such as... such as...
Look: Why would anyone invite a US Senator to speak? Can she entertain the crowd by singing folk songs? Does she have a gift for stand-up comedy?
Mercy Home, by the way, is a residential facility for children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned (but not aborted). Hillary Clinton, you may recall, has distinct ideas about community involvement in raising children, which she set forth in a book entitled It Takes a Village. And it takes a village idiot to believe that she won't use this appearance to advance her political agenda.
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