happy birthdays

By ( articles ) | Nov 23, 2007

Remember the derisive chuckles that greeted a Vatican document that included traffic-safety tips, released in June by the Pontifical Council for Migrants and signed by that group's president, Cardinal Renato Martino?

Do you recall how the same Cardinal Martino expressed sympathy for Saddam Hussein after the Iraqi dictator was captured in December 2003?

Were you edified by his March 2006 statement that Italian schools should provide for Islamic religious instruction, all religious leaders should work together against fundamentalism, whether Muslim or Christian?

Then how about his claim that building a wall on the US-Mexican border would be an inhuman program

… or his June 2006 announcement that it is morally wrong to detain illegal immigrants?

Still not terribly happy? Then you may be pleased with a document that Cardinal Martino was expected to sign today. Having reached the age of 75, in accordance with current Church policy, the Italian cardinal was required to submit his resignation.

Also today, Cardinal Angelo Sodano celebrates his 80th birthday, and in theory he should give up his spots on various influential Vatican dicasteries. But since the former Secretary of State took several extra months to move out of his office in the apostolic palace, we're not banking on a quick exit.

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  • Posted by: - Dec. 01, 2009 11:15 PM ET USA

    This whole issue is academic. If homosexuality is normal, as most campus denizens these days probably accept as an article of faith, then sex-based segregation of things like public lavatories and residence halls is already meaningless.

  • Posted by: jeremiahjj - Dec. 01, 2009 9:51 PM ET USA

    I strongly doubt a church that is taking such a strong stand on pro-life issues will capitulate on same-sex housing. I see it going opposite from the direction described by Diogenes. Perhaps he's forgotten who our pope is these days. Judging from the speed with which he is pursuing unity with Anglicans and the Orthodox, Benedict XVI seems to have abandoned the idea that the church thinks in terms of centuries.

  • Posted by: garcial7217 - Dec. 01, 2009 5:10 PM ET USA

    and here i was all prepared to make a cynical comment, and everyone else beat me too it :-p

  • Posted by: Gil125 - Nov. 30, 2009 2:44 PM ET USA

    In its information for prospective students, the University of San Francisco's Website asks the question: Are the residence halls coed? and answers it, Yes, with the exception of Fromm Hall, which is an all-female residence hall. That doesn't necessarily imply what happens inside the rooms, but it's certainly well on the way. I think in general you're 'way behind the curve on this one, Di.

  • Posted by: Frodo1945 - Nov. 30, 2009 11:58 AM ET USA

    New subscriber here. You are hopelessly behind the times! In 2001, I visited Georgetown on a college visit with our son. At a meeting of parents with about 10 top administrators of the University, someone asked a question about cohabitation. The university spokesman reply was "we don't do anything about cohabitation unless it exceeds 30 days". There were no gasps from the audience except mine. Your bets are a dollar short and a day late. It's worse than you think it is.

  • Posted by: - Nov. 30, 2009 10:52 AM ET USA

    My money's on Boston College. They won't even put up token resistance.

  • Posted by: - Nov. 30, 2009 8:23 AM ET USA

    Georgetown is a strong candidate, sure. But the ever innovatively heterodox DePaul University in Chicago--Queer Studies Capital of Catholic (sic) Education--has to be considered a powerful dark horse.

  • Posted by: jacobtoo - Nov. 30, 2009 5:22 AM ET USA

    OK, I'll take Holy Cross in three.

  • Posted by: - Nov. 29, 2009 11:10 PM ET USA

    Seven years?!! C'mon. Of course seven years from now $65 will be worth ... Oh, 20 cents.

  • Posted by: Japheth - Nov. 29, 2009 9:07 PM ET USA

    Gotta go left coast with this one. Santa Clara in six for $100

  • Posted by: - Nov. 29, 2009 7:42 PM ET USA

    SEVEN years?!? I give it 3 at best!