for pure, 200 proof, undiluted gall ...

By ( articles ) | Dec 15, 2004

.. it's hard to top this bit of pecksniffian finger-wagging from the National Catholic Reporter:

Republicans, especially the Christian right, should expand their priorities to include the full Gospel message. Grapple with the tough issues -- such as the fact that the abortion rate decreases when government assistance that provides genuine choice to a woman in a crisis pregnancy is made available. Avoid the boilerplate knee-jerk responses and use your leverage within the Republican Party to make reducing the abortion rate at least as important as reducing the capital gains rate. What's more important, the commitment to "smaller government" or the life of the unborn child?

Un-kissling-believable. Almost 32 years after Roe-v-Wade -- during which time the only moral objection to abortion the NCR could discover was dental damage caused by the post-surgical apple juice; during which time it gave space to Dan Maguire, Robert Drinan, Rosemary Ruether, and countless other fevered pro-aborts; during which time it debased itself at the service of the red fang faction of radical feminism -- it now scolds "the Christian right" for its insufficient concern about -- are you ready for it? -- the life of the unborn child.

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