Do you smell sulphur?

By ( articles ) | Jan 24, 2008

As he blessed a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Albany, New York yesterday,...

...the Rev. Larry Phillips of Schenectady's Emmanuel-Friedens Church declared the ground "sacred and holy ... where women's voices and stories are welcomed, valued and affirmed; sacred ground where women are treated with dignity, supported in their role as moral decision-makers ... sacred ground where the violent voices of hatred and oppression are quelled."

Right. Women are treated with dignity. With their feet up in stirrups. With forceps and suction machines.

Right. Women are supported. Do the Planned Parenthood clinic workers call to follow up a week or a month after the abortion? (Assuming that the check clears, I mean.) Because the volunteers at the crisis-pregnancy center down the street will follow up with help through pregnancy and beyond. But I forgot; they're oppressive. Right.

Odd that while Rev. Phillips doesn't like hatred, you get the distinct impression that he isn't very fond of you, either.

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