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By ( articles ) | Nov 14, 2007

God help us, the media advantages built-in to being a Lefty. Check out this AFP story on Hugo Chavez:

Chavez on Tuesday defended his proposed controversial constitutional reforms that will be voted on in a December 2 referendum, saying that they aim to "give more power to the people."

The reforms, passed by November 2 by a Congress stacked with Chavez followers, would let Chavez stand for reelection indefinitely and curtail the media. Critics say the proposals are an attempt by Chavez to grab power and stifle dissent.

Were the Latin leg-breaker du jour as far to the right as Chavez is to the left -- someone in the tradition of a Trujillo or a Somoza -- do you think these same journalists would refer to his push for media curtailment and limitless re-election as a proposal for "controversial constitutional reforms"?

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  • Posted by: - Dec. 04, 2009 12:44 PM ET USA

    David, In 20 years of work you don't recall when you have been so deliberately misquoted. How often have you been correctly quoted? Even less, I suspect. The point is not the numbers of priests and victims; the point is the cover-up. Our shepherds were worried about the scandal and the cost; I wonder how many are being fitted for a tie attached to a millstone? Our Lord takes a dim view of the failure to protect His lambs.