A disappointed Aussie

By Domenico Bettinelli, Jr. ( articles - email ) | Sep 30, 2003

The Bishop of Canberra, Australia, is disappointed that Archbishop George Pell of Sydney was named a cardinal. (On the other hand, I'm thrilled.)

Bishop Pat Power calls himself a "progressive" who thinks the "spirit of Vatican II" has been betrayed by the current Pope and his like-minded appointments. He tells the reporter:

I suppose what concerns me is that many of the values that I think are dear to Australian Catholics, such as the dignity of the human person, the primacy of conscience, the theology of communion, the need for dialogue in our Church, reading the signs of the times, I don't think that they're values that are particularly clearly enunciated by Archbishop Pell, and I think for that reason that many people will be disappointed that the Church is going further in a direction that is not really catering for their needs and the needs of people in our Australian society.
Who has done more to uphold the dignity of the human person than Pope John Paul II? Of course, Powers is probably not thinking of abortion, contraception, religious liberty, and such, as much as he's thinking of the "dignity to use your private parts however you please." Of course, primacy of conscience is often used as a code for ignoring Revelation to suit my own preferences. And theology of communion means, for people of this mindset, "my Church, your church, his mosque, his temple, what's the big deal?"

I think it's time for someone to compile a new version of the Progressive Catholic Dictionary. You know, the one with definitions like "Tolerance: (n.) agreeing with me and my beliefs" and "Intolerance: (n.) disagreeing with me or my beliefs."

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