Catholic Culture Podcasts
Catholic Culture Podcasts

Did someone say "Gumbleton?"

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Jul 29, 2004

From his lofty perch at Notre Dame-- where he alternates his days between calling for an "inclusive" Church and hurling another anathema at those who disagree with him (that is, orthodox Catholics)-- Father Richard McBrien pronounces the verdict of history.

In 1984, he remembers, Cardinal John O'Connor criticized Democratic vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro for her virulent attacks on the Church's teaching regarding the dignity of life. (That's not how McBrien puts it; he would have you believe that the cardinal unilaterally attacked Ferraro, when the reality was the reverse. But I digress.) McBrien tells us:

It became clear to many people that, whatever the bishops' actual intentions, the Catholic hierarchy was indirectly endorsing the re-election of President Reagan by publicly criticizing only the Democrats.
In 1984, there was no criticism of Reagan from the US bishops? Riiiiiiiiiight! Father McBrien was alive in 1984. (I know; I saw him on TV.) So presumably he was aware of the US bishops' "peace pastoral." And the economics pastoral. And the steady stream of USCC statements about US policy in Central America. And Cardinal Bernardin's famous "seamless garment" offensive.

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