Dick Morris tells the Stupid Party to drop those square right-wing Christians
By ( articles - email ) | Oct 22, 2003
Dick Morris, the paragon of morality, the Clinton mercenary, advises the GOP to give two taps behind the ear to its Christian supporters. Seems the man once known as the toe-sucker and the guy on the other end of the line from Bill and Monica (don't ask), thinks the GOP ought to say "thankee" to the Christian right and then dump them like yesterday's underwear. You see, it's no longer convenient to be saddled with their embarrassing insistence on morals and all that pleasure-killing talk, because Arnold Schwarzenegger has proven that liberal Republicans can win big elections.
Of course, it's not as simple as all that; the California recall hardly being a good indicator of a normal election.
In any case, those icky Christians are dragging down the GOP, says Morris, causing the double-digit gender gap. I guess in Dick's world, all Christians are men and all women are pro-abortion. Why would anyone listen to this guy who's willing to turn a political trick for whichever political party waves a twenty in his direction? But what do you expect from a mercenary? High principles? Actually believing in what you say you stand for? No, it's doing whatever takes to win, because winning and the power you win is the only thing, baby.
Thanks, but no thanks, Dickie. And I hope GWB tells you the same thing.
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