The December issue of Catholic World Report is out!
By ( articles - email ) | Dec 01, 2003
The December issue of Catholic World Report is now and newsstands and here's what you will find inside:
- The Coming Conclave: What to expect from the next papal election. CWR examines the powers and personalities, voting blocs and individual prelates who could shape discussions at the next conclave.
- Calcutta Honors Its Own: Two weeks after the beatification ceremonies that drew 300,000 people to Rome, the city of Calcutta staged a 9-day festival to celebrate the life of Mother Teresa. We offer an exclusive photo essay of the event.
- The First Of His Kind: A remote and often neglected tribal region of India exploded with pride and joy after the appointment of its first cardinal, delighted that the Vatican has recognized a growing Catholic presence. CWR correspondent Anto Akkara was on hand for the celebration, and spoke to the new cardinal.
- The Catholic Liturgy: What Happened? What Needs To Be Done?: Dom Alcuin Reid, OSB, explains why the Catholic Liturgy must be understood not as a subjective experience, but as an objective and eternal truth.
- New Developments On Stories Featured In Catholic World Report: A sexually explicit program moves forward in Boston's archdiocesan schools, despite protests from parents and at least one determined pastor. Terri Schiavo lives on, thanks to last-minute legislative intervention. And the University of Dallas is suddenly looking for a new president after a period of turmoil.
- The Hard Hope Of Christmas: Mark Shea reflects that the Christian life is never easy, but Christ comes just at the darkest time of the year.
- Personally Opposed, But…: Can you name the first prominent American Catholic who announced that he could not impose his conscience on his fellow citizens? Diogenes may have found him. And he was not a professional politician.
- And Phil Lawler's Editorial: Europe's Cultural Suicide ... And Ours?: Christianity is the only force that can hold together a crumbling civilization, even as the political alliance of 21st-century Europe discards the Christian culture that is the basis of Western Civilization.
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