death wish
By ( articles ) | Oct 24, 2009
LifeSite News reports that Dominican Sister Donna Quinn serves as a Chicago-area abortion clinic "escort," that is, she guides women seeking abortions into the clinic doors while providing a bit of reassurance to silence any last-minute hesitations induced by pro-life activists in the vicinity. If a pregnant woman chooses to abort, Sister Donna's going to make sure that choice gets exercised.
And what about the pertinent Dominican religious superior? Why, she's going to bat for Sister Donna's right to choose the choice she has chosen:
Sr. Patricia Mulcahey, OP, Quinn's Prioress at the Sinsinawa Dominican community, said in an email response to LSN that the nun sees her volunteer activity as "accompanying women who are verbally abused by protestors. Her stance is that if the protestors were not abusive, she would not be there." Though Sr. Mulcahey claimed that her sisters "support the teachings of the Catholic Church," she declined to comment on Quinn's public protest of Catholic Church teaching.
See a contradiction here? Well you're wrong. It might look a little odd at first glance, but in reality this is an example of the healthy and fully renewed religious life called for by the Second Vatican Council. As for the Holy See's investigation into the leadership of women religious, we have it from a sister writing in Commonweal that it's preposterous to think there's a problem in need of fixing:
The implicit accusation underlying the doctrinal assessment of the [Leadership Conference of Women Religious] is that its leaders are not Catholic enough in the church’s eyes. Having lived, worked, and prayed with these women for decades, I find this suggestion both insulting and absurd.
And Sister Donna Quinn, O.P., agrees with you one hundred percent.
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