the Daschle-Sebelius problem

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Apr 01, 2009

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama's latest choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services, has admitted to "unintentional errors" on her tax returns and agreed to pay $7,000 in back taxes and penalties.

"Unintentional" errors, huh? Funny, that's the same kind of errors that scuttled Sen. Tom Daschle's bid for the same office.

 Maybe Washington bigwigs are now so accustomed to tax problems among Obama appointees that they aren't paying attention anymore. But if the Sebelius tax gaffes are serious enough to crowd her out of the picture, where will the President turn?

First Obama wanted Daschle, a Catholic with pro-abortion views so strong that his bishop told him to stop advertising himself as a Catholic. Then he chose Sebelius, a Catholic with pro-abortion views so strong that her archbishop told her to stop receiving Communion. It seems the President is looking for a very specific sort of candidate, and they're in short supply.

Frances Kissling, is your resumé up to date?


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