The cross in the pocket of the business suit

By ( articles ) | Jun 02, 2003

It's absolutely sickening. Among the details of the Arizona Republic story is this little chestnut: "Bishop Manuel D. Moreno of Tucson, a close friend of O'Brien, was one of the seven who stepped down. He resigned in March at age 72, citing serious health issues, including prostate problems and the onset of Parkinson's disease. The way to Moreno's retirement was cleared 17 months earlier when the Tucson Diocese faced a series of sexual abuse lawsuits and the Vatican named co-adjutor bishop to work with him."

Yes, Manuel Moreno, pal of O'Brien. As recounted in Paul Likoudis' enlightening little book, "Amchurch Comes Out," Moreno handed over the entire elementary school student population of his school system to be guinea pigs for a study on sexual attitudes run by a University of Arizona prof, with grant money from the government. The point was to shape the kids' attitudes towards -- what else? -- homosexuality, then study the effect of this on the parents' attitudes.

Result? A mom picking up a fifth grade girl after school is asked, 'Do you and Dad use condoms when you have sex?' An eighth grade class is indoctrinated into the mysteries not just of anal sex, but bestiality, in a Catholic grade school classroom.

At Confirmation time we used to study the significance of the miter, the crosier, the ring... I hope they still study stuff like that: the significance of the interesting combination of the business suit and the roman collar, with the Cross of Jesus worn around the neck... but carefully tucked into the pocket of the business suit, so that it doesn't get in the way.

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