comparative religion

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Sep 21, 2007

In Saguenay, Quebec, Mayor Jean Tremblay wants people to know that the Catholic faith is still important.

"The Catholic religion is one of the nicest values we have in Quebec," saysTremblay.*

Travel about 500 miles due south from Saguenay, and you'll arrive in Boston, where Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick recently described the 9/11 terrorist atrocity this way:

It was a mean and nasty and bitter attack on the United States. But it was also about the failure of human beings to understand each other and to learn to love each other.

The Catholic faith is nice. Murderous Islamic extremism is mean and nasty. If you're a Catholic, consider yourself patted on the head. Santa Claus, when you're making your list, take note.

(*= Disclaimer: Tremblay-- who habitually opens meetings with a prayer-- was probably speaking French, in which case the blame for this inelegant phrase falls upon the translator.)

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