Catholic Charities employees: giving the gift of death
By ( articles ) | Apr 13, 2003
A moderate amount of ink has been spilled on Boston Catholic Charities' acceptance of a gift by Voice of the Faithful. More noteworthy, perhaps, is the material cooperation in the culture of death by some of those associated with Catholic Charities. According to's public federal election records for the year 2002:
-- Pamela J. Smith, director of health policy for Catholic Charities USA, gave $250 to Wisconsin pro-abortion Sen. Russ Feingold, $1,000 to New Jersey pro-abortion Sen. Frank Lautenberg, $1,350 to Iowa pro-abortion Sen. Tom Harkin, $2,000 to North Dakota's typically pro-abortion Sen. Byron Dorgan, $1,000 to Arkansas pro-abortion senatorial candidate Mark Pryor, $1,000 to half-pro-abortion, half pro-life North Dakota congressional candidate Earl Pomeroy, and $1,050 to Winning Margins PAC, which has supported numerous pro-abortion candidates -- Brooklyn resident Clifton Griffin, listed as Catholic Charities director, gave $1,000 to pro-abortion congressional candidate Ed Towns -- Wichita resident Marlene Hoglund, listed as Catholic Charities activity coordinator, gave $250 to pro-abortion congressional candidate Carlos Nolla -- Princeton, NJ resident Ellen Charry, listed as Catholic Charities physician, gave $400 to the Democratic National Committee -- Marsha McDonald, listed as a Catholic Charities St. Paul-Minneapolis employee, was so enthused by pro-abortion Walter Mondale's brief senatorial campaign that she gave him $1,000 -- Baltimore resident Mary-Ann Pinkard, listed as a Catholic Charities fund development employee, gave pro-abortion congressional candidate Dutch Ruppersberger $1,000 -- Princeton, NJ resident Michael Rappeport, listed as Catholic Charities social worker, liked to spread his own charity nationwide. He gave $250 to Florida pro-abortion congressional candidate Carol Roberts, $250 to Iowa pro-abortion congressional candidate Julie Thomas, $250 to Maine pro-abortion congressional candidate Chellie Pingree, and $2,000 to Emily's List, which exists to promote abortion -- Matthew Ward, director of Catholic Charities of Maine's refugee resettlement program, gave $1,000 to pro-abortion congressional candidate Tom Allen, $500 to the Maine Democrats, and (surprisingly) $2,000 to the Maine GOP.
Three Catholic Charities employees made pro-life contributions, but listing them, one fears, will lead to problems for them at work.
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