Can't resist this one.
By ( articles ) | Jun 28, 2003
From associated Press we get the story that while Arnold Schwarzenegger might have married into the Kennedy clan,. he will NOT have patriarch Ted Kennedy's endorsement if he runs for office.
In one respect, the Senator's comments are intriguing. For years, Catholics have complained that politicians like Senator Kennedy identify themselves as Catholics yet espouse causes which are hateful to believers, most notably abortion, and Where Are The Bishops Here?? Ted Kennedy may have offered a clue for the bishops into the methodology which gets his attention: "''Listen, Arnold is great,'' Kennedy said. ''And I never argue with Arnold, particularly when he's holding me by my ankles upside-down. But I intend to support the Democrat."
Then... well, it's hard to believe Senator Edward Kennedy said the following, but there you go:
''I'm not sure where Arnold gets his political instincts,'' he said. ''People often say that for Kennedys, it's in the water. Arnold seems to be a staunch Republican, so I've asked Maria to check their plumbing.''
Memo: It's In the Water.
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